Today I was the mom I wish I could be every day. It's a good feeling. My house is clean (thanks to the cleaning ladies!), my laundry is almost caught up, the kids and I went to Tae Kwon Do tonight and spent some quality time getting exercise and learning a life skill. My high-schoolers are celebrating Spirit Week, and my oldest daughter and her friend decided to go as Lucy and Ethel for character day tomorrow. I live for this stuff! I rag-rolled both of their hair tonight, and they bought dresses and fake pearls to wear. I bought them fake eyelashes and bright red lipstick. They are clearly excited, and it is so refreshing to see the sunny side of the teen years sometimes!
Tomorrow my 3rd daughter turns 10. A big birthday for a military kid - she'll get her own ID card. I made 90 monster fingers (pretzel sticks dipped in white -for mummy, green for Frankenstein, and brown for werewolf) for her to take to school tomorrow in lieu of cupcakes.
Tomorrow night we are having a hail and farewell for officers and Staff NCOs. There will be about 100 adults and 70 kids in attendance. I am glad we changed the location from our home to the lodge by the base stables, especially since it is supposed to rain. I have planned activities and games for the kids, and I will be making two kinds of chili and hot dogs. Everyone else will bring food to contribute.
Timmy wrote an autobiography this week in which he had to describe his family. It was interesting to see what he has to say about everyone. He said, "My mom seems to be happy all the time". I was glad to read that. I am happy more often than not, but I do have my moments! I know that the key to happiness is being calm, and trying to stay on top of things. Flying by the seat of my pants is not working so well for me these days! Thank goodness my husband is home!
I know that after Halloween, the rest of the year will likely fly by. I am determined to be more organized in regard to holiday activities, and I plan to get a jump start on my Christmas projects soon! I know that I am not such a happy mom when I am stressed out! We will be renting a cottage in the Shenandoah mountains for Christmas week. My dream is to have a simple Christmas - one where we spend the evenings watching Christmas classic movies, playing board games, drinking hot chocolate, and just enjoying each other's company. The kids are growing up so fast - and with my oldest graduating from high school in 2008, I am not sure how many full family opportunities we have left to get away. And it is sad that we have to get away from home, away from computers and cell phones, so that we can have our kids to ourselves! And so that they can have our undivided attention as well. I am looking forward to it!
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