You would not know that this boy threw up 5 times in the wee hours this morning, nor that he has diarreah. You can surmise that he is likely breathing sweet little sick germs into his baby sister's ear.
Yesterday, all my kids went back to school. Between stomach viruses, colds, respiratory infections, and allergy symptoms among the kids, and Molly's battle with kidney stones, I have had at least one child, and more than that most days, home for the past 3 weeks or so. Or maybe it's been just a week and half to two weeks. At any rate, I've been doing a lot of laundry, a lot of disinfecting, and making many trips to and from dr's offices, the hospital, and schools. It feels like forever. So when they all got off to school yesterday, I kicked my routine back into gear, did several loads of laundry, cleaned up the house, ate a healthy breakfast (but totally blew dinner), worked out, and generally felt pretty good. Around 10:15 last night, Shane wandered into our room and I could tell he wasn't awake. He was mumbling incoherently and then proceeded to vomit all over our floor. Tim got him settled on the living room couch with a pillow, towels, a blanket, and a bowl in case he couldn't make it to the bathroom. I cleaned our bedroom floor with my new steam cleaner. We had to reschedule our St Patrick's day party last week because of the weather, and the sick kids. I am so hoping and praying that Shane's episode will be isolated, since my brother Mark is coming to visit at the end of the week, and the party is this Saturday! Mick has had hives every day since around Valentine's day, and he had an appt this morning to have allergy testing. I am fairly certain they will discover he's allergic to dust and will have to go live with another family.........
Anyhow, I slept on the recliner in the living room so that I could be near Shane, and while I was not sleeping, I was trying to figure out a way to get Mick to his appt when Shane would obviously not be going to school today. Can the six year old stay home and babysit the 2 year old while I take the 5 year old to his long awaited Dr appt? Probably not. I called and was able to reschedule the allergy testing for this Thursday. Hope everyone is well!
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